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Breathe Through The Brace by Art Horne

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Jan 16, 2011 1:36:00 PM

by Art Horne


In a recent interview with Sue Falsone from API on (see link below), Sue discusses the concurrent roles that the diaphragm must operate as - both a RESPIRATOR and STABILIZER.  She mentioned that Stu McGill talks about "Breathing Through The Brace" and the importance of breathing while also stabilizing the core.  Clearly, one cannot come at the expense of the other and when the diaphragm does have to choose, breathing will always win.  As Stu has shared with me in the past, it is possible to both evaluate and train the diaphragm to concurrently provide stabilization while also bringing air into the body. 

See the below video for an example of training the diaphragm to act as both a respirator and stabilizer. 

Check out this great interview with Sue Falsone on




Topics: Art Horne, Health & Wellness