Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group, LLC Blog

Fascial Distortion Model Seminar - Aug 21-23, 2015 BOSTON

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Mon, Jul 6, 2015 @ 07:07 AM

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Aug 21-23, 2015 : LOWER


    This seminar contains a review of the FDM Principles as well as a basic introduction to the Practice of the Fascial Distortion Model in relation to the Lower Region of the human body. Here we will fine-tune your knowledge of the basic principles and expose you to the power of correctly identifying and treating Lower Region complaints as they relate to the FDM. Special attention will be emphasized on teaching you how to properly administer the basic manual treatment portion of our Model.

    You will have the opportunity to feel what it is like to be treated within the FDM and practice the manual treatment portions in detail with our instructors. Our teaching approach is very interactive and hands-on. Evaluations throughout the seminar on many different aspects of the FDM Principles and Practice will be administered by our team. This not only assists in quality control, but will also ensure that you have instant feedback to questions you may have as the seminar progresses.


    The list of injuries that you will learn to treat is extensive. But don’t worry…there are no protocols to learn here! Within the FDM, our Model is unlike the traditional assessment-protocol- treatment-rehab regurgitation we typically learn in school, or with other ‘techniques’. We will teach you not only what to treat, but how to treat it, and why…regardless of the diagnostic label.

    Having said that, upon completing the Lower Region seminar you will have a better understanding of the FDM approach and will be able to confidently apply our Model to common Lower Region injuries typically found in office. Examples of injuries you will learn to treat include: “Low Back Pain, Low Back Sprain/Strains, Abdominal Sprains/Strains, SI Joint Pain, Disc Injuries, Ankle Sprains/Strains, Sever’s Disease, Heel Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis, Shin Splints, Compartment Syndrome, Knee Pain, Patellar Tendonitis, Osgood Schlatter’s Disease, Hamstring Sprains/Strains and IT Band Syndrome.”


    Once you have completed this seminar you will immediately possess the general knowledge and skill to correctly identify and treat Lower Region complaints in your office. Your new understanding of what to treat will have an entirely new confidence behind it! As you practice within this Model, your assessment and palpation skills will naturally improve because your identification of why you’re treating a particular area will be directly correlated to how. Your added security will be in the state-of-art training manual we will provide for you as well as access to our Instructors and communication portals.

Learn more about FASCIAL DISTORTION MODEL seminars HERE.

Topics: Fascial Distortion Model


Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Tue, May 26, 2015 @ 13:05 PM

IMG 0799 


Article originally appeared on


Okay, so, lets talk about stress.


Well, for starters it’s something that affects all of us in some form or another. And secondly, one of the keynote speakers this past weekend was the one and only Dr. Robert Sapolsky, author ofWhy Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers.


He’s one of the world’s foremost experts on stress (he wrote a book about it, duh.), and someone who’s done more research on the topic than pretty much everyone, ever.

And he has an epic beard.

Which means we should listen to him.

Gandalf schmandalf

The good doc spoke for around 90 minutes, but it felt like it was ten. It was all fascinating.

He discussed stress and how we as humans (more specifically those of us who have been around for the last 100 or so years) have changed how we react to (both physiologically and psychologically) and cope with stress.

You see, we don’t worry so much about infectious diseases in the “modern world” today. Diseases like dysentery, leprosy, and to a much smaller degree, influenza (flu)1 used to be much more of a problem back in the day.

Omitting the looney tune anti-vaxxers in the crowd, we’ve also made diseases such as polio, measles, and smallpox all but a passing memory.


Today, however, while they still exist and certainly shouldn’t be taken lightly, it’s not infectious diseases that are the leading cause(s) of death. Rather, as Dr. Sapolsky noted, it’s diseases which take their time to slowly deteriorate our bodies over the course of decades.

Heart disease, diabetes, marriage, etc…..

“Why is it when we feel someone doesn’t love us, or we feel sad or angry, we reach for the M&Ms?

If we could figure this out, we’d cure half the cases of diabetes.”

– Dr. Sapolsky

Lets begin by defining what stress is and what a stressor is.

Stress: adaptation your body mobilizes to re-establish homeostasis in the system. I’m paraphrasing here but, “hormones are released and [stuff] happens.”

Stressors: anything in the outside world that affects homeostatic balance.

For a zebra this can be being chased by a lion. For humans this can refer to tax season or your S.O. wanting to sit down and “talk about feelings.”


Continue reading article by clicking HERE. 







People Solving People Problems

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Mon, May 4, 2015 @ 07:05 AM

We are in trouble when we expect more from technology and less from each other.

The best organizations in the world invest in the best people.


BSMPG Summer Seminar



Everyone believes science and technology will solve our problems, when in fact only personal interaction can solve these types of challenges.  We employ people to play, coach and support our team – not machines or numbers.  Although analytics and technology has become a staple within many high performing organizations, they only serve to help professionals ask better questions, not answer them definitively.

Consider the game of billiards.  This is a simple game of math and physics – angles, velocity, force etc., - an elementary numbers game.  The billiard balls and table themselves are a very simplified system. The table is as flat as possible and the balls are made as round as possible and essentially operate in an essentially frictionless environment, while the bumpers are uniform and consistent in nature.  Everything is set up for a skilled mathematician to succeed, but rarely does one ever run the table.  That’s because on the other end of the cue is a human being. A human being having to navigate a shaking hand, a sleepless night, jetlag and a fight with their significant other.  In this world, the bumpers are not uniform, but instead act as a side of a mountain would with a boulder travelling down.  In the real world, billiard balls collide and bounce off one another haphazardly, and each subsequent move must be reevaluated, reassessed, and renegotiated.  The human playing billiards; his skills and motives are outside of the scope of physics and the mathematical analysis of the balls’ behaviors is not one of simple math but of extreme abstraction.

- Art Horne


Meet the leaders in Performance Training and Medical oversight at the 2105 CATAPULT Performance Directors Meeting 

 May 17, 2015 - Fenway Park

Two Spots Remain - email for an invite


Performance Directors Meeting


Developing Your Growth Mindset at the CATAPULT Performance Directors Meeting

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Fri, May 1, 2015 @ 07:05 AM

Join the Leaders with similar GROWTH mindsets at the 2015 CATAPULT Performance Directors Meeting - Fenway Park - Sunday May 17th


Performance Directors Meeting


Perseverance key to children's intellectual growth, Stanford scholar says




Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck says that children are more motivated when they are told their intelligence or talents can grow and expand. 

Stanford psychology Professor Carol Dweck finds that the right kind and amount of praise motivate children to persevere, but the wrong kind or amount of praise can backfire.

Passion, dedication and persistence count the most when children are cultivating their intelligence and talents, a Stanford scholar says.

Carol Dweck, a Stanford psychology professor, said that when children are praised for the process they engage in – hard work, strategies, focus, persistence – they become better learners. The Stanford News Service recently interviewed Dweck on this topic:

What types of praise works with children?

Our research shows that children who are praised for their intelligence or talents are not more motivated learners. In fact, when children are praised for their intelligence or talents, they shy away from challenges and are less resilient in the face of difficulty.

However, when children are praised for the process they engage in – their hard work, their strategies, their focus, their persistence – then they remain motivated learners. They're more likely to take on challenges and thrive in the face of difficulty. In one study, we evaluated mothers' praise to their toddlers and then checked in with the children five years later. The more the mothers gave their children "process praise" when they were toddlers, the more the children had a growth mindset (see below) and a desire for challenges five years later when they were in second grade – and the better they were doing in math and reading when they were in fourth grade.

Research with my former Stanford doctoral student, Allison Master, suggests that too much praise can be a bad thing. In this research, students who were given constant praise for their work became highly dependent on the praise, and many lost their motivation when the praise stopped.

In short, praise can be powerful, but it can be a motivator or a de-motivator.

What is the difference between fixed and growth mindsets?

When children are in a fixed mindset, they believe that their intelligence and talents are just fixed traits. They have a certain amount and that's that. However, when they're in a growth mindset, they believe that their intelligence or talents can be developed – through hard work, good strategies and help from others. They don't necessarily believe that everyone's equally smart or talented, but they believe that everyone can grow.

In our work, we find that a growth mindset promotes better motivation and performance, especially when things are difficult, for example, when students are facing difficult school transitions. When kids (or adults) are in a fixed mindset, difficulty makes them feel inadequate – their fixed ability feels deficient – and their confidence becomes shaky. But when they are in a growth mindset, difficulty is a natural part of learning, so they are more likely to take it in stride and find new strategies that work better. This is true about students in the classroom, athletes on the playing field, or people in the workplace.

The important thing to keep in mind is that mindsets can be changed. A growth mindset can be taught and, when it is, people can become more motivated, more resilient and more successful.

What is "grit" and why is it important for children?

Grit is perseverance, or "stick-to-it-iveness." All difficult, long-term achievements require it, and research by Angela Duckworth and her colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania show that a growth mindset fosters it. Grit is important for children and adults alike because if you are taking on challenges, setbacks are inevitable. In one study, with psychologist Heidi Grant, we looked at pre-med students in their very difficult organic chemistry course. Many of them got disappointing grades on the first exam or two, but how they reacted to those grades made a big difference. Some students doubted their abilities and lost heart, but others rolled up their sleeves and dug in. They met with the professor or teaching assistants, they went to review sessions, they joined study groups, and they found older students who had done well in the course to mentor them. Even though the two types of students didn't differ in their initial preparation or ability, those who showed grit earned significantly higher final grades.


Continue to read this article by clicking HERE.


Learn more about GRIT and why some athletes rise to the occasion while others sink at the 2015 CATAPULT Performance Directors Meeting



Lauren Eskreis-Winkler

Topic: Building Grit

Lauren Eskreis-Winkler is a PhD candidate at the University of Pennsylvania.  In collaboration with Dr. Angela Duckworth, her research advisor, she has spent the past four years developing and testing grit interventions.  These interventions aim to build grit in individuals who need it most --  struggling athletes,  students in grade school, sales representatives at risk of dropping out, and community college students on probation.  In her presentation, she will discuss a variety of grit-building techniques and their relevance to athletes in particular.

Leaders as Decision Architects

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Thu, Apr 30, 2015 @ 07:04 AM


Join the Leaders in Sports Medicine and Performance Management at the 2015 CATAPULT Performance Directors Meeting - Fenway Park - Sunday May 17th


Performance Directors Meeting




Article originally appeared on

by John Beshears and Francesca Gino


All employees, from CEOs to frontline workers, commit preventable mistakes: We underestimate how long it will take to finish a task, overlook or ignore information that reveals a flaw in our planning, or fail to take advantage of company benefits that are in our best interests. It’s extraordinarily difficult to rewire the human brain to undo the patterns that lead to such mistakes. But there is another approach: Alter the environment in which decisions are made so that people are more likely to make choices that lead to good outcomes.

Leaders can do this by acting as architects. Drawing on our extensive research in the consulting, software, entertainment, health care, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, banking, retail, and food industries and on the basic principles of behavioral economics, we have developed an approach for structuring work to encourage good decision making.

Our approach consists of five basic steps: (1) Understand the systematic errors in decision making that can occur, (2) determine whether behavioral issues are at the heart of the poor decisions in question, (3) pinpoint the specific underlying causes, (4) redesign the decision-making context to mitigate the negative impacts of biases and inadequate motivation, and (5) rigorously test the solution. This process can be applied to a wide range of problems, from high employee turnover to missed deadlines to poor strategic decisions.

Understand How Decisions Are Made

For decades, behavioral decision researchers and psychologists have suggested that human beings have two modes of processing information and making decisions. The first, System 1 thinking, is automatic, instinctive, and emotional. It relies on mental shortcuts that generate intuitive answers to problems as they arise. The second, System 2, is slow, logical, and deliberate. (Daniel Kahneman, winner of the Nobel prize in economics, popularized this terminology in his book Thinking, Fast and Slow.


Each of the two modes of thinking has distinct advantages and disadvantages. In many cases, System 1 takes in information and reaches correct conclusions nearly effortlessly using intuition and rules of thumb. Of course, these shortcuts can lead us astray. So we rely on our methodical System 2 thinking to tell us when our intuition is wrong or our emotions have clouded our judgment, and to correct poor snap judgments. All too often, though, we allow our intuitions or emotions to go unchecked by analysis and deliberation, resulting in poor decisions. (For a look at how both modes of thinking can cause problems, see “Outsmart Your Own Biases.”)

Overreliance on System 1 thinking has another negative effect: It leads to poor follow-through on plans, despite people’s best intentions and genuine desire to achieve their goals. That’s because System 1 tends to focus on concrete, immediate payoffs, distracting us from the abstract, long-term consequences of our decisions. For instance, employees know they should save for retirement, yet they rarely get around to signing up for their 401(k) plans. (A survey conducted in 2014 by TIAA-CREF found that Americans devote more time to choosing a TV or the location for a birthday dinner than to setting up a retirement account.)

We do not mean to suggest that System 1 should be entirely suppressed in order to promote sound decisions. The intuitive reactions of System 1 serve as important inputs in the decision-making process. For example, if an investment opportunity triggers a fearful emotional response, the decision maker should carefully consider whether the investment is too risky. Using System 2, the emotional response should be weighed against other factors that may be underappreciated by System 1—such as the long-term strategic value of the investment.

Engaging System 2 requires exerting cognitive effort, which is a scarce resource; there’s simply not enough of it to govern all the decisions we’re called on to make. As the cognitive energy needed to exercise System 2 is depleted, problems of bias and inadequate motivation may arise.


Continue reading this article by clicking HERE. 



Register for the BSMPG  2015 Summer Seminar Today!


Topics: BSMPG Summer Seminar, Catapult

Five More Reasons to Attend BSMPG Summer Seminar - May 15-16

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Wed, Apr 29, 2015 @ 07:04 AM



(like you really need more….)


5.  Continuing Education Units: Earn continuing educations units for Athletic Trainers, Strength and Conditioning specialists through the NSCA and Athletic Therapists through the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association.  Have multiple certifications? Nothing like killing two birds with one stone and getting them both with us! (No birds were hurt in the making of this blog)


     athletic training   NSCA CEU    Approved Course


4. Sports Science:  Do you come from the land down under? Where women roll and men thunder?

Ok, probably not but Sam Coad, Performance Director at the University of Michigan does!  Learn from the former the Brisbane Lions Australian Rules Football club sports scientist as he discusses elite athlete monitoring systems.  Want more science? No problem –Roman Fomin holds a PhD in physiology and is regarded as one of the foremost experts in physiological monitoring, technologies and methods.




3. The Whiz Kid is back! When the title of your talk is, “Neuroimmune Plasicity: The Substrate of Performance” you know you are going to get a world class performance!  Eric Oetter returns for another year of lecture and lab demonstrations.  Trust us – this will be a lecture you don’t want to miss!


Eric Oetter



2. Meet and learn from the lead Nutritionist for the Canadian Men’s National Basketball Team – Dr. Marc Bubbs, author of Paleo Project.  Remember – your gut is your brain!


            Marc Bubbsbook.bubbs



1. Practical Session with Sam Gibbs: “Global Treatment Approach of the Shoulder”

Enter into the world of Osteopathic medicine with the lead therapist for Canada Basketball. Let's just say it's going to be AWESOME eh!


    Sam Gibbs  bsmpg


Topics: BSMPG Summer Seminar

Top Ten Reasons To Attend BSMPG - May 15-16, 2015

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Mon, Apr 27, 2015 @ 07:04 AM

top ten


10. Unleash your inner GEEK: Where else can you find speakers from other seminars in attendance to learn? Join the leaders in the sports medicine, rehabilitation, and sport performance training for two days of complete and utter knowledge BOMBS!  If you’re lucky you might just run into these leaders….


                  BILLHARTMAN  CRESSEY


9. Free Lunch:  Seriously, how many other seminars “cater” to your need to network during breaks?  We know you come for the information but we also understand that knowledge can be found from other attendees as well. Enjoy lunch on us May 15th along with plenty of coffee and snacks throughout the weekend.  Did we mention an epic social event at the conclusion of the first day? Oh we didn't? Hmmm, I guess you'll just have to wait to find out!


8. Complete Medical and Performance Integration: Join the Canadian Senior Men’s National Basketball team for a complete discussion and look behind the curtain as they rush the podium at the 2016 and 2020 Olympic games!


Canada hoops


7. Boston: Seriously, do we need to say more? Arrive a day early, or stay through Sunday and experience all that Boston offers including a Fenway Park tour, Duck Boats and great clam CHOWDA!




6. Once In A Lifetime Speaker Opportunities: Let’s be honest. You’ll never see a number of our speakers ever again.



Forever, ever? (you get the point)

Meet international experts Al Smith and Vincent Walsh as they travel across the pond to deliver two keynote presentations.


vincent walsh

5. Free Stuff: All attendees will receive a swag bag full of goodies and sample products upon arriving.  In addition, attendees who are present during our raffles will have a chance to receive gifts from our sponsors including PERFORM BETTER and MOVEMENT LECTURES.COM.


 perform better


4.  Detailed Breakout Sessions: In addition to our amazing keynote presentations, our seminar features detailed breakout sessions each afternoon.  Learn from these experts in small group settings and immediately improve your practice and coaching on Monday morning!  Be ready for the #BOOM during James Anderson’s breakout! You’ve been warned! #droppingknowledgebombs #boom



3. Sam Gibbs, Allen Gruver, and Mike Davis: We know that you’ve probably never heard of these guys but we guarantee that you’ll never forget them after this year.  These three guys are absolute musculoskeletal rehab ninjas!


mike davis 


2.  Performance Coaches From The Highest Level of Sport: Learn from Matt Jordan - Director of Strength and Conditioning for the Canadian Sport Institute, Charlie Weingroff – Lead Performance Director for Canada Basketball, Roman Fomin – Omegawave, Sam Coad – Performance Manager – University of Michigan, and Andy O’Brien – Performance coach to elite NHL athletes, to name a few.


       MattJordan2 sam coad


1. The Man Himself: Dr. Robert Sapolsky – May 15th, 8:00 am. See you then!


                        SAPOLSKY  why zebras dont get ulcers big




Register for the BSMPG  2015 Summer Seminar Today!




Topics: Charlie Weingroff, Robert Sapolsky, BSMPG Summer Seminar, Al Smith, Andy O'Brien

Mind Over Matter: The Psychology of Rehabilitation

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Thu, Apr 23, 2015 @ 07:04 AM


This article originally appeared on by Daniel Gallan



Injury: the greatest fear for every athlete. Across any code, at any level, injury is a part of life for sportsmen and women. A torn hamstring, a broken arm, a severe concussion; all injuries require extensive physical therapy. But what about the mental battle that needs to be waged when injured? How does the psychological process measure up to the physiological one? Doctor Charlie Weingroff and Springbok captain Jean de Villiers reveal what an athlete goes through psychologically when undergoing physical rehabilitation.

Springbok captain Jean de Villiers receives medical attention after sustaining a career threatening injury against Wales last year. Image supplied by Jean de Villiers. 



Springbok captain Jean de Villiers receives medical attention after sustaining a career threatening injury against Wales last year. Image supplied by Jean de Villiers. 

On the 29th November 2014, at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, the South African rugby community held its collective breath when captain and 106 Test veteran Jean de Villiers fell to the floor clutching his left knee during a Test against Wales. His cries of agony could be heard over the live television feed with replays showing his leg bending at a sickening angle. A post-match prognosis indicated a broken knee cap, a torn hamstring and anterior cruciate knee ligament damage. What we had seen may well have been the abrupt end of one of the most illustrious and successful careers in the history of the sport.

“When it happened my first thought was definitely negative,” de Villiers says in an exclusive interview with CONQA Sport.  “I thought “that’s the end”. Because of my age and the stage of my career that I’m at, I immediately went to a negative place. I knew it was bad straight away.”

De Villiers is a positive person and those negative thoughts were vanquished within the first few minutes. The Springbok captain was being carried off the field on a stretcher when assistant coach Johan van Graan told him that he was still going to go to the World Cup in September. The road to recovery, and indeed the World Cup, started right there on his back.

According to de Villiers, the rehabilitation process is a mental battle from the very first day. Having a solid support base in the form of close friends and family is crucial as they are the ones that build the mind while the physiotherapists, surgeons and coaches rebuild the body.

Doctor Charlie Weingroff is someone who knows how to rebuild both. Weingroff, a certified Athletic Trainer and Strength and Conditioning Specialist holds a doctorate degree in Physical Therapy. His work with elite athletes going through rehabilitation has brought him international renown and his time with the Philadelphia 76ers in the 2005/06 season saw the East Coast franchise ranked first in the NBA for the least amount of players missing games through injury.

For Weingroff, the mental side of rehabilitation is just as important as the physical process but stresses that because everyone is different, there are no set rules when understanding the mental side of recovery. Unlike a ruptured hamstring or a broken arm, every mind is comprised of different experiences and emotions. Some players may need constant reassurance that their rehabilitation is on track; others may need as little social interaction as possible. According to Weingroff, some players are like “little mad scientists” and scrutinise over every scrap of data while others simply need to be told what to do. Some injured athletes blame coaches and trainers for their ailments and others push too hard in their pursuit of fitness. As a result of the variety of mental states, Weingroff instead chooses to solve the mental battle with a physical approach.

“The psychological side of rehabilitation is still scientifically observable,” explains Weingroff. “Spiked levels of dopamine and certain neurotransmissions can be monitored. Maintaining hormonal and neurotransmitter levels associated with positive mind-sets and positive rehabilitation is what we strive for.”

This is achieved in a number of ways. First, the mind needs to be tricked into thinking that the body is healthy. As de Villiers and Weingroff both point out, one of the major inhibitors for rehabilitation is the athlete’s frustration that high levels of performance are no longer possible while injured. Weingroff circumnavigates this negativity by focussing on another area of the body. If an athlete has injured his foot or knee, there is no reason why the upper body cannot be trained. If this happens, there is a reduced risk of central sensitisation, a condition of the nervous system that is associated with chronic pain. “The athlete does not dwell on the injured body part and the area does not occupy a larger space in the cognitive brain,” Weingroff says. “Pain is in the mind, not in the body.”


Continue reading this article by clicking HERE.


See Charlie Weingroff and other leaders in the field of sports medicine and performance training at the 2015 BMPG Summer Seminar.  Seats are still available - but hurry, they will be gone!


Register for the BSMPG  2015 Summer Seminar Today!  


Topics: Charlie Weingroff

Soft Tissue Skills that Pay the Bills

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Wed, Apr 22, 2015 @ 07:04 AM


functional release

Register for Functional Range Release UPPER Module  today * May 22-24, 2015 * Seats are Limited


Spina Spina

Spina  Spina  spina


Visit for complete course details


What is Functional Range Release?

Functional Range Release is an advanced system of soft-tissue treatment based in the principles of myofascial release, but with multiple improvements.  The treatment system, in combination with the Functional Anatomic Palpation Systems® methods of palpation, focuses on the assessment, localization, and systematic treatment of soft-tissue lesions (adhesions) and areas of fibrosis (scar tissue) which develop as a result of injury, repetitive strain, and cumulative trauma.

Utilizing the trademarked PAIL's Progressive Angular Isometric Loading®) and Tissue Tension Technique®, Functional Range Release® soft-tissue management system expands on the basic tenets of myofascial-release treatments by simultaneously assessing, expanding, and strengthening the patient’s functional range of motion.  Through our seminars, the practitioner learns to not only treat tissue, but is also provided a means to assess the tissue in order to make sound clinical decisions.  


In addition to the 3-day hands on instruction, the seminar also includes a significant online lecture component covering a variety of topics...

- Cellular Anatomy/Histological basis of the FR® system
- Molecular Biophysics
- Progressive tissue adaptation
- Functional Anatomic Palpation Systems (FAP)™
- Tissue Tension Technique
- Progressive/Regressive Angular Isometric Loading
- Tissue Layering Technique
- Neurological Drive assessment
- Mobility Rehabilitation & Development    

Spaces are filling up fast.  Register now by following the link below and get certified in the most advanced musculoskeletal assessment, treatment, and rehabilitative system to date... 




Learn more about the Functional Range Release system by clicking HERE.  

 hosted by,


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Boston Welcomes back Soft Tissue Ninja Andreo Spina

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Tue, Apr 21, 2015 @ 07:04 AM

Andreo Spina


"If a practitioner cannot define what they are feeling for in any realistic, scientific manner, then what is the outcome measures guiding their treatment?  By this I don’t mean the outcome measure used to define success in the eyes of patients such as pain or range of motion.  I mean what is the tactile finding that, on a moment-by-moment basis, guidance the practitioners treatment?  How does one know when soft tissue ‘release’ procedures are appropriate vs. passive modalities?  How does one know the needed amplitude and direction of force to apply?  How does one know when the treatment is over?  These and many other questions require that the practitioner is able to palpably distinguish between normal and abnormal anatomic structure, and further that they have a working definition/understanding of what they are looking for."

- Andreo Spina



Interview by Patrick Ward,


1) Thanks for taking the time out of your busy clinical and teaching schedule to do this interview, Dr. Spina. Can you please give the readers a short overview of your background??

Sure thing…

I studied Kinesiology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.  I later graduated with summa cum laude and clinic honors from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College as a Doctor of Chiropractic and subsequently completed the two-year post-graduate fellowship in sports sciences. During my time studying Chiropractic, I became the first pre-graduate student to tutor in the cadaver laboratory in the department of Human Anatomy, a position that continued throughout my post-graduate fellowship program.

Stemming from my passion of studying and teaching anatomy, in 2006 I created Functional Anatomic Palpation Systems (F.A.P.)™ which is a systematic approach to soft tissue assessment and palpation.  Following the success of F.A.P. seminars, I later created a follow up system of soft tissue release and rehabilitation called Functional Range Release (F.R.)® technique which is now being utilized by manual practitioners around the world including the medical staffs of various professional sports organizations.  I then combined the scientific knowledge gained during my studies with my 29 years of martial arts training in various disciplines to create the third installment of my curriculum, Functional Range Conditioning (FRC)™, which is a system of mobility conditioning and joint strengthening.

Aside from my work teaching seminars, I also own a sports centre in Toronto, Ontario where I practice and train clients.  I am a published researcher, and I have authored chapters in various sports medicine textbooks.

2) You approach to soft tissue therapy is extremely comprehensive and, after having attending one of your courses before, it is obvious that you have spent a lot of time reading research in order to develop your thought processes and theories about what may be taking place when we apply contact to another person’s body. The fascial system is a big part of your approach and the concept of the fascial system and how the body is connected has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. Can you please explain your approach and this concept you refer to as “Bioflow Anatomy”?

To say that the Functional Range Release system has a sole focus on fascia is not entirely accurate actually, although it might have been in the not so distant past.  Further examination of literature has led/forced me to be more inclusive of other tissues, which together constitute the most abundant type of tissue in the human body, namely Connective Tissue (CT).  Examples of other tissues inclusive in CT other than fascia include bone, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, lymphatic tissues…and even 80% of nerve structure.  When contemplating the effects of manual therapy ‘inputs,’ or even training inputs for that matter, we must be inclusive of all of these tissue types as each of them will equally adapt to applied inputs.  To say that with a particular soft tissue technique application I am affecting one tissue vs. another is as inaccurate as claiming that any particular exercise targets a single tissue, which is in fact impossible.  This line of thought stems from literature examining the effects of load inputs on cellular/subcellular processes…a topic that we dive into deeply in the FR Release curriculum.


Continue to read the rest of this article by clicking HERE  


Thanks to Patrick Ward for this interview!


Register for Andreo Spina's FAP/FR SPINE course in Boston, May 22-24, 2015 HERE.  





Topics: Andreo Spina