Articles & Resources

Championship Mindset by Alan Stein

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Mar 20, 2012 7:13:00 AM

by Alan Stein


“I always visualized my success. The process of seeing success before it happened put me in a positive frame of mind and prepared me to play the game.”

-        Michael Jordan

“Being in the zone means a higher state of concentration. When you let your mind wander, you make mistakes.  When you start thinking about bad things that have happened, or good things that could happen, your focus isn’t where it should be – on this play, right here, right now.”

-        Joe Montana

Here is some wisdom from my friend and colleague, Graham Betchart (performance coach who specializes in mental skills training). For more on Graham, check out


Mindset of a Champion:

  • Believe in yourselflove your talent
  • Challenge limiting beliefsunlock your true potential
  • Motivate yourself from withinset personal goals
  • Think like a championconsistent mind equals consistent performance
  • Visualize successsee it, feel it, believe it, be it
  • Mentally prepare for competitioncreate a consistent pre-game routine
  • Approach each game the sameconsistency leads to success
  • Welcome pressureembrace all challenges and obstacles as opportunities
  • Play to play greatnot to avoid mistakes
  • Focus on the moment at handstay ‘present’ when you compete
  • Trust your abilitiesplay without worry
  • Competeevery moment and every play
  • Control what you canlet everything else go
  • Keep it simplefocus on the next play
  • Attitude, effort, and focus are in your controldiscipline yourself
  • Learn from losswisdom often lies in defeat
  • Write your own storyhow do you want to be remembered
  • Commit to the mental gamework on your mental skills every day
  • Love hard worklearn to be comfortable being uncomfortable

Commit yourself to living these ‘sound bytes’ and you will take a huge step forward in maximizing your potential on the court.



Remember to Save the Date for the BSMPG 2012 Summer Seminar - May 19-20th in Boston MA. 

Registration is open but seats are limited!


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Topics: Basketball Related, Alan Stein

Preseason: What Are You Doing To Prepare by Alan Stein

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Oct 9, 2011 7:15:00 AM


Click HERE to read this article by Alan Stein.

Topics: Basketball Related, Alan Stein

DeMatha Basketball 1st Off-Season Strength Workout

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Apr 23, 2011 2:41:00 PM


The Off-season is upon us! Watch DeMatha Basketball 1st Off-season strength workout.

Click HERE to view this video.

Topics: Strength Training, Alan Stein

In-Season Strength Training: Being Strong When It Counts by Alan Stein

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Nov 13, 2010 9:31:00 AM

by Alan Stein

Head Strength & Conditioning Coach
DeMatha Catholic High School Basketball

In order for you to reach your true potential on the basketball court, and have an edge on your opponent, you must maintain the strength you built throughout the off-season.  Keep in mind you are not an Olympic lifter, Power lifter, or bodybuilder, so you don’t need to train that way. A safe, time efficient and productive in-season program can take as little as 20 minutes, twice a week!
The primary purpose of your strength training program is to reduce the occurrence and severity of injury.  As you know, basketball is very physically demanding.  Making your muscles and joints stronger will lessen your chance of injury (such as a pulled groin or rolled ankle), and keep you on the court where you belong.  Strength training will also help you improve your performance.  The stronger you are the more force you can produce; which means you will run faster and jump higher. However, strength is an attribute that can quickly diminish.  In as little as 3 weeks you may have a noticeable decrease in your overall strength and power.  If you don’t strength train during the season, you will be physically at your weakest come playoff time!

There are as many different strength training methodologies as there are ways to run a full court press or a secondary break.  Regardless of what you choose; safety, time efficiency, and intensity should be the backbone of your strength training philosophy.  Your main focus during the season should be to maintain your overall muscular size and strength.  An in-season program should address your major muscle groups (legs, hips, core, and upper torso) as well as the most injury prone areas: ankles, knees, groin, and lower back.

You should only use the safest exercises available and perfect exercise technique. You should work within an appropriate repetition range (8-15 reps for most high school players). Since time is a precious commodity during the season, the goal of your in-season strength program should be to get the maximum results in the shortest amount of time. You should use a limited number of sets and exercises during each workout (1-2 sets per exercise), while minimizing rest intervals to induce an overall conditioning effect.  This will make each workout brief, but intense!

Intensity is the most important controllable factor in determining your results.  Below a certain level of intensity, strength training will have very little benefit.  If you are capable of lifting 100 pounds 15 times on a given exercise, and you stop at 10, the exercise was not as intense as it could have been.  Therefore, it is recommended that each appropriate set is taken to the point at which no additional reps can be completed (muscle fatigue).  

Since you will be practicing and playing almost every day (at high levels of intensity), and will be in a constant state of fatigue from now until March, it is recommended you decrease the volume of each workout to reduce the overall wear and tear on your body.  Do fewer sets and less total exercises, especially for the lower body, than you would during the off-season.

Sample In-Season Strength Workout

Perform 2 sets of each of the following exercises:

Basketball push-ups   

Multi-directional lunge


1 legged squat

Standing shoulder press

1 legged leg curl on physio ball

Seated row



Topics: Strength Training, Alan Stein

Pre-Season Training: It All Starts With The Feet by Alan Stein

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Nov 7, 2010 5:00:00 PM

by Alan Stein

basketball resources


A basketball player’s feet are important.  Let me rephrase that.  A basketball player’s feet are extremely important. There are approximately 26 bones and 20 muscles in the feet. That fact alone should shed some light on their significance.
Basketball is (supposed to be) played standing upright on two feet.  Therefore, every movement a player makes on the court is initiated through their feet.  Every shot, every rebound, and every pass. Everything starts with the feet. With that said, can you guess what the most common injury is for basketball players at every level?
The ankle.
Strong and mobile ankles and feet will lessen the occurrence of injury, decrease the time lost if an injury does occur, and will improve performance on the court.
As obvious as these statements sound, most players and coaches put very littler priority on training the feet properly.  The goal of this article is to change that.
Before I go further, let me make it crystal clear that this is not a research project or case study. My stance on training the feet and my opposition to ankle braces (and tape) is purely my opinion.  I am in no way trying to refute the advice of a qualified athletic trainer or podiatrist or any legit study that has been conducted.  However, my opinion is based on 10+ years of hands on experience in the field, thousands of hours of observations, a firm understanding of the human body and efficient movement, and numerous conversations with colleagues.
Basketball shoes are designed to be rigid (with stiff soles) to create as much stability as possible. To further increase stability, many players also wear ankle braces or get their ankles taped. Here lies the problem. By creating so much stability, they drastically limit mobility. Severely limiting mobility will weaken the muscles of the ankles and feet. What happens to a person’s forearm muscle when their arm has been immobilized in a cast from a broken wrist? It atrophies (weakens).  So do the muscles of the feet when they are confined to rigid shoes and ankle braces for long periods of time. Many youth basketball players wear high top shoes and ankle braces 20+ hours per week!
I am not opposed to wearing basketball shoes when you are playing.  The stability and support is a necessity.  But you don’t need to wear them when you are training.  And ankle braces?  Tape? With the exception of a player who suffered a previous ankle injury, or someone taking a direct recommendation from a qualified medical professional… ankle braces (and tape) are absolutely unnecessary when playing and when training.
Still not convinced? When you get a chance, flip on ESPN Classic and watch any NBA game from the 1970’s. In addition to shorts that look like boxer briefs, every single player wore low top Adidas sneakers. No braces. No tape. And guess what? No injuries!
What did players wear before Adidas? Chuck Taylors! Thin canvas with a flat rubber sole. Talk about no ankle support! Despite the archaic footwear, there was actually a lower rate of ankle and foot injuries in the 60’s and 70’s than there is today.  You know why? Players back then had strong, mobile ankles and feet.
Ankle braces weaken ankles and limit mobility (not to mention natural movement).  Given how important the feet and ankles are, why would you do something that makes them weaker and less mobile?
Every time you run or jump, you do what is called triple extension. That is extension at the ankles, knees, and hips.  If any one of those joints is not working properly (weak or tight), it limits the function of the other two.  So weak, tight ankles limit a player’s ability to run and jump to their potential.  Having weak, tight ankles will also cause the body to compensate in a variety of ways during movement… which can lead to knee and back issues. Remember, everything starts with the feet.

The same thing happens when you land from a jump or during each step when you run.  The impact is supposed to be dissipated through your ankles, knees, and hips.  Well, if your ankles are immobile and can’t move through a normal range of motion… that force and that impact is now directed to the next closest link in the chain… the knee! Weak, immobile ankles cause additional stress on the knees when landing and running.
So how do you strengthen your ankles and feet?  By setting them free and taking off your shoes!
When you work out in your bare feet (or with socks) you can feel all of the intrinsic muscles of your toes, feet, and ankles.  At first, this will feel liberating (and probably awkward) because you rarely get to feel these muscles when wearing basketball shoes and ankle braces.
NOTE: I am only suggesting barefoot training for players with healthy feet and no pre-existing conditions (unless cleared by a doctor).  Players with excessively high arches, previous stress fractures, or ankle sprains should avoid barefoot training (or at least make severe modifications) to reduce the chance of injury.
How much is the right amount of barefoot training?  Once a player has been acclimated to some rudimentary barefoot exercises, they should do as many things barefoot as they can in the confines of a safe, controlled training environment.  For most players, 5-15 minutes per workout is a good rule of thumb.
If a player has been wearing ankle braces regularly for an extended period of time, they need to gradually wean themselves off of them.  They should not go from wearing them all the time to not at all. Their ankles and feet aren’t ready for that. They need to begin a progressive, structured ankle and foot strengthening program, while at the same time slowly decreasing their dependence on the braces.
What should they do in their bare feet?  Many of the same things they do with shoes on! Squats, lunges, dynamic flexibility movements, and low level hops are all great to do shoeless. Pick a few exercises each workout and rotate them. Begin with the most basic exercises and have the player progress as they become acclimated and their feet become stronger.  Make sure you perform barefoot exercises on an appropriate surface (cautious of impact, slipping, etc.). 

One of your goal’s this pre-season needs to be to improve foot and ankle strength, mobility, and proprioception (the body’s perception of movement and special awareness).  If you do that you will lay the foundation for a championship season!

Topics: Health & Wellness, Alan Stein

Vertical Jump Con Artists: Part II

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Sep 4, 2010 5:13:00 PM

By Alan Stein

This is a follow up to the article I wrote about Vertical Jump Con Artists.  I felt the need to add a Part II because the original article initiated a whirlwind of responses and comments, nearly every one of which was overwhelmingly positive and supportive.  However, I did receive a small handful of comments from folks that disagreed with my position.  I view that as a good thing!  I never have had a problem with folks who take a different stance and have different opinions from my own. I welcome it and respect it. That is what makes life fun.  I have always enjoyed a good debate, especially when it comes to proper training and performance enhancement, because I am so passionate about the topic.  I have numerous colleagues and friends in the industry, some in the private sector, some in the NCAA, and some in the NBA… and we all have slightly different philosophies and methodologies. I respect any strength & conditioning coach who is passionate, energetic, truly cares about the well being of their players, and can rationalize their training philosophy; regardless if it differs from mine.  I know, and wholeheartedly believe, there are numerous programs that “work.”

With that being said, if you are going to initiate a debate with my philosophy, please do so under the following two conditions:

1)    Be respectful and professional.  I had someone leave a comment that was not only factually incorrect (it was as if he didn’t even read my blog); it was full of grammatical errors, expletive words, and was more of a personal attack on me. If you want respect, you have to earn it.  You only earn it by carrying yourself in a professional manner and sticking to the issue at hand. You if you want to debate philosophies; awesome! If you want to talk smack; look elsewhere.

2)    Have something legitimate to back up your point of view; either personal experience with the players you work with or unbiased research. Don’t come at me with hear-say and propaganda from folks who have an obvious financial interest. And please get your own facts straight before you try to argue against mine!

Now, there most certainly was real validity to the responses and comments who disagreed with my article.  They were comments and responses I have heard many times before, so I felt compelled to address them in this post.  I am going to paraphrase some of the most common comments and give my two cents on each.  Please note, these questions are an amalgam of the comments I routinely get – these are not from any particular individual per se but rather more of a summary.

Comment: Do you really believe genetics play a role in your vertical jump?

[Alan Stein] Absolutely; 100%. Genetics are the #1 determining factor in a person’s potential to jump.  I challenge you to find ONE legitimate strength & conditioning coach, physical therapist, or athletic trainer who believes genetics do NOT play a significant role in one’s vertical jump potential. Now, this by no means implies that someone with a high vertical jump doesn’t work hard or train properly; it just means they were born with the genetic predisposition to achieve such results.  It also doesn’t mean someone with less than ideal genetics can’t make progress; they most certainly can! Everyone can improve their vertical jump and maximize their potential; but not everyone can have a 40” vertical or dunk a basketball.

Comment: How do genetics have anything to do with it?

[Alan Stein] For one, your genetics determine your muscle fiber type.  This is a key factor.  Someone who possesses predominantly fast twitch muscle fibers in their lower body has the potential to jump higher than someone who was born with mostly slow twitch fibers.  While your central nervous system’s efficiency can be improved through proper training; your overall neurological efficiency is somewhat pre-determined at birth.  Some folks were just born with more control over their muscular system.  Limb length and tendon insertion points are two other genetic factors you can’t control.  The folks with the highest vertical jumps were born with favorable genetics and have trained hard and trained properly.

Comment: If you don’t think a 50” vertical is possible, how do you explain all of the guys on YouTube like Area 51 (he is only 5’ 7”) and the guys on Team Flight Brothers?

 [Alan Stein] First and foremost, I never once said that it was impossible to have a 50” vertical. I am saying it is extremely rare; like “winning the lottery” rare.  I know these guys have impressive leaping ability… I have seen it firsthand. I also know they work hard on their craft and train consistently. But if you believe for one second these particular individuals weren’t born with the favorable genetic predispositions (muscle fiber type, CNS efficiency, etc.) that gave them the potential to jump that high; then you need to re-read my previous answer regarding genetics.  That is exactly why everyone who does a vertical jump training program can’t jump as high as these guys.  Do you think if you followed their EXACT training program for an entire year you would have the same result? Do you think you would have a 50” vertical?

Comment: Why do you NFL players and Olympic lifters have higher verticals then NBA players?

[Alan Stein] I am well aware that the highest combine verticals for certain NFL positions (cornerbacks, running backs, and wide receivers) are statistically higher than the average combine verticals for potential NBA players. No argument. I assume the same is true for elite Olympic lifters; although I haven’t seen the stats. The elite level football players at those three positions in particular, almost all of the time, were born with the same genetic advantages I keep mentioning.  A prototypical cornerback in the NFL is EXTREMELY explosive. He has to be, or he wouldn’t be playing at that level!  Again, that doesn’t mean he hasn’t worked hard and trained properly, it means he was born with certain tools that allowed him to develop such explosiveness through training. Not everyone was born with the tools to be an NFL cornerback; just as not everyone was born with the tools to dunk a basketball or play in the NBA. Bottom line is this; in order to be a successful cornerback in the NFL or to be an Olympic caliber weight lifter, it is favorable to be extremely explosive and powerful.  Both require very short bursts of high intensity power. There are always exceptions; but this is the general rule.

Comment: I think with hard work an average person can beat someone with genetic talent.

[Alan Stein] Beat them in what? A vertical jump contest or playing elite level basketball?  If you are talking about basketball, there are too many factors above and beyond vertical jump that determine a person’s chances of playing college or professional basketball. Fundamental skills, basketball IQ, experience, height, and competitiveness are just some of the factors that are equally, if not more, important than jumping ability. In this scenario I am well aware that “hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.” That is one of my favorite quotes.  Yes, someone without superior genetics can still attain a high level of success in a given sport.  Yes, someone born with the right tools is not guaranteed to be successful. I have never implied otherwise.  But if you think EVERYONE has the potential to have a 40” vertical jump or can dunk a basketball than you are truly mistaken. This is why I wrote my original blog.  Most (not all) vertical jump programs claim that “anyone” can gain “8-12 inches” on their vertical, which by my definition, would be “amazing results.”  And again, I know for a fact, that is 100% not true.

As always, please share this article with any player or coach you know as my goal is to reach and impact as many players as possible.  I welcome all comments and thoughts as long as you abide by the aforementioned guidelines.

If I can ever be a resource to you for your strength & conditioning, please let me know, I would be honored to help. You can email me at

Topics: Alan Stein, Vertical Jump Training

Vertical Jump Con Artists

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Sep 4, 2010 5:11:00 PM

By Alan Stein

Whether reading a hoops magazine or visiting a basketball website, I am constantly bombarded with advertisements for vertical jump programs; created by guys claiming to be experts at improving a player's explosiveness and athletic ability. I rarely know who any of these guys are yet they claim to be industry experts; all of which are selling programs, gizmos, gadgets, and even pills that promise to deliver unbelievable improvement in one's vertical jump. As a veteran strength & conditioning coach, it is obvious to me most of these folks are completely bogus. I constantly find myself laughing out loud at some of the claims they make.

After a lot of preliminary internet research, it is my professional opinion nearly every one of these programs is a sham. These guys are not credible strength coaches or performance specialists; they are simply con artists who are trying to trick honest kids out of hard earned money. And that is absolutely unacceptable in my eyes.

As a legitimate, long time basketball strength & conditioning coach as well as someone who has a valid, justifiable vertical jump training program on the market (the MVP program), these guys give people like me a bad rap. Their approach is sleazy and unprofessional and it makes me sick to think they make money swindling kids who are desperate to jump higher and improve their game. I don't ever want to be mentioned in the same sentence as these hacks.

Now, it is not my place to name specific names or websites and this article is certainly not directed at any one person or program in particular; I'm taking aim at this group of con artists as a whole and want to expose them and their fallacies. I also want to make crystal clear I am not claiming these programs don't work; you may very well increase your vertical jump. I am simply stating these programs don't live up to their outlandish claims and preposterous promises. So you may improve your vertical jump; but you won't gain 8-12 inches! I will also make clear I have not tried these programs myself; my thoughts and opinions are based purely on my vast experience in this industry and what I know to be the truth in human performance.

The claims these sites make are unbelievable. Some guarantee an increase in vertical jump of 8-12 inches in a matter of weeks. Others claim they will double your vertical jump, or better yet, get your vertical to 40 or 50 inches.

For someone to make such outlandish promises, they must be the best of the best, right? But after reading many of these sites extensively, most of their "resumes" are paper thin. Most make claims to have worked with high level players, although not one recognizable player is ever named. Most make claims they have helped hundreds or even thousands of athletes, but where is the proof?

So I started to ask myself, what is their real resume? Who have they really worked with? Do they really even train basketball players on a day to day basis or do they just pretend they do? I have worked as a full time private, professional strength & conditioning coach for the last 10 years, so I take grave offense to someone with an empty mug shot and phony resume claiming to be an expert in a field that I have worked so hard in for a decade.

Then I started asking myself a ton of other questions:

Why are all of their testimonials from people no one has heard of? How come most of the testimonials neglect to include a way to truly identify them? I am well aware you do not have to work with NBA players or high profile players to be a quality strength coach or expert in vertical jump, but seriously, if their programs did what they claim, don't you think just one noteworthy player would have used their services and been proud to say so? For the record, I am well aware high school athletes and members of NCAA institutions are not allowed to endorse commercial products at risk of jeopardizing their eligibility. But pro players can endorse whatever they want. So can coaches as well as a host of other credible professionals. Yet none ever endorse these programs. Why?

And what gives these guys the right to call themselves a vertical jump expert? How legit are the pictures they use? How do I know that is a 10 foot rim? How do I know they didn't jump off of a bench to dunk like that? How do I know the person in the picture isn't 6'5" and claiming to be 5'9"?

And if you think their resumes and testimonials are a hoax, you should see the claims they make regarding the results you will get. As a real life strength & conditioning coach, I believe the results they claim are absolutely, positively not possible for 99% of the players in the world. A 50 inch vertical jump? An increase of 12 inches in 4 weeks? Touching your head on the rim when you are 5'7"?

Don't believe me? Do you actually think a 50 inch vertical is really possible to attain for 99% of players?

I went online and looked up the results from the last three year's NBA combines (2007 - 2009). These standardized tests were administered by the NBA's top strength & conditioning coaches, guys with real experience and educational backgrounds. Their first test, the "No Step Vertical Jump" is measured accurately on a Vertec device and is done to standard - no shuffle step, no side step, no drop step and no gather step was allowed, just straight down and straight up.
Keeping the above guidelines in mind, guess how many guys in the past three year's NBA Combine had a 50 inch vertical jump? NONE. Guess how many had a 40 inch vertical? NONE. Not one player broke 40 inches on this particular test. Not even guys who are known for their hops: Jerryd Bayless, Al Thornton, Michael Beasley, or Derrick Rose. And these are the best players (and in many cases, the best athletes) in college basketball. For their second test, the "Max Vertical Jump", the athlete was allowed to take as many steps toward the Vertec as they felt necessary to acquire their maximum vertical jump. Everyone was required to start within the 15' arch and each athlete had the choice of a 1 or 2 foot takeoff. Even using this protocol, only 9 players (less than 3%) got above a 40 inch vertical, with 42 being the highest. Just a few months ago at the pre-draft combine in Chicago; Jonny Flynn (Minnesota Timberwolves) was the only player to get a 40 inch max vertical jump. And that was with a running start!!! I am sure if you look at the previous 10 years of NBA combine results you will see a similar pattern. If the best and most athletic college basketball superstars, who have been training under the watchful eye of proven college strength coaches aren't jumping 50 inches, I'm supposed to believe any kid off the street will be able to achieve that after following one of these vertical jump programs? Is that a joke?

One of the main reasons they trick so many kids is because they offer a money back guarantee, which is nothing more than a false sense of security. Let me tell you, as soon as you see "money back guarantee" on any type of workout product or program, you must question its credibility. NOTHING in this world is guaranteed. NOTHING. And to paraphrase Chris Farley in the movie Tommy Boy, "the only reason they have a guarantee is because they know they sold you a guaranteed piece of crap!" So why do they offer it? Because studies have shown time and time again that hardly anyone ever takes them up on their offer and asks for their money back because it is an actual admittance of failure. It well worth the risk for them to offer a money back guarantee because they know no one will actually do it. It is a ploy to move product. Heck many times, they escape the money back guarantee because of some loophole in the fine print. My parents taught me when I was very young, if something looks too good to be true, it almost always is.

I don't offer a money back guarantee on my MVP program. You know why? If you don't get results, it is your fault, not mine. I know the program works; I have used versions of it with thousands of players. I also don't make any promises for results. Some folks will make much better gains than others. The only thing I know is that if a person does the program, they will improve. How much they improve is dependent upon their genetics, their starting level, and their effort and consistency. Period.

Another reason I know most of these programs are counterfeit is because all of their websites have the exact same look; same layout, same color scheme, same rhetorical questions. This is because most of these guys have taken classes or read books from the same internet marketing people. And these people are experts at designing sites to trick folks into buying their product. These con artists spend more time on their computer working on their site than they do actually training players!

They spend hours and hours "writing copy," which means they follow a specific template on what to write. Therefore all of their info follows the same pattern. They come up with a catchy headline. Then they list several problems their perfect customer has (can't jump, no time, no money, etc.). Then they list several benefits to dispute these problems. Then they think of a few reasons why someone would not buy their product or program and then have an "answer" to that. It is called, "identify problem... agitate.... solve by using their program." These guys are merely wordsmiths who prey on kids insecurities and they rely on the fine print to make it legal.

Don't believe me? Go check out the sites yourself. They usually start off with a letter directly to you. Then they say something to the effect that this will be the most important thing you ever read. Then they make several ridiculous claims. Then they sprinkle in some questionable testimonials. Then they act like they don't even want your business if you aren't 100% serious or committed. Then they act like they are giving a huge discount. Then they start tacking on FREE stuff. Blah, blah, blah.

Now let's kick some truth. The truth is your genetics do dictate your potential to jump. Muscle fiber type and CNS efficiency are just two examples of traits that will ultimately determine how high you can jump, both of which are nearly impossible to see just by looking at someone. Not everyone can have a 30 inch vertical, much less a 40 or 50. Not everyone will be able to dunk a basketball. Not everyone has the ability to play in college, must less the NBA. Period. We were all born with different abilities and potentials. Everyone can improve their vertical jump, but not everyone can achieve the results these spinsters claim. In fact, hardly anyone can.

Now, I don't want to get accused of being hypocritical. I am proud of the fact that HoopsKing and I created and sell the MVP DVD, a 12 week vertical jump program, of which I make a modest royalty on. I am the first to admit that is part of how I make my living, in addition to training players full time. I stand by the fact the info in that program is legitimate and I make no guarantee on results. I know as a real strength coach; the results will be different for everyone. However, I have full confidence that if a player follows the program consistently, with great effort, and is accurate and progressive, they will make gains. For some that might mean 6 inches, for someone else 3. But at least it will be real! Also, I didn't wake up one morning and proclaim myself a vertical jump expert. I have a solid educational background and 10 years of real life work experience on my resume, including previous work with Kevin Durant, Michael Beasley, Montrose Christian HS, the Nike Skills Academies, the Jordan All American Classic, and the McDonalds All American game.

Train hard. Train smart.

*Below are claims I have seen made on actual websites. Please note the misspellings and incorrect grammar is on their end, not mine!
"If you've been wanting to dramatically, easily, and quickly enhance your athletic ability, so you'll dominate the competition and hold the capability of performing effortless magical plays, I've got the most important letter you'll ever read. Just take a minute and read below to see how you can crush your frustrating lack of athletic ability problems once and for all."
• "How would you like to know exactly how to develop court dominating power, sick athleticism, rock sold strength, and 'Highlight Reel producing" quickness?"
• "I've helped athletes who didn't even have a lick of experience at the time and turned them into basketball heroes within weeks!"
• "Now You Can Discover the Power House Secrets that Can Easily Get You Flying Through the Air and Doing Electrifying Dunks!"
• "If you would like to learn what the pro's do to jump higher, become quicker, develop explosiveness, increase strength and improve overall athletic ability and performance...then this new program is just what your looking for!"
• "The secrets that will almost "instantly" increase your vertical leaping ability. These secrets are so powerful they're guaranteed to increase your vertical by a minimum of 9 inches!"
• "Are you ready to explode off the ground and finish breaks with rim-rocking two handed monster dunks?"
• "Small research laboratory stumbles upon "vertical leap in a tablet" formula that -- for the very first time -- allows above-the-rim gains for the average, bench-warming baller."
• "Explosive Lab-Tested And Doctor-Approved Discovery Biologically Forces Even Hard-Gainers To Unleash Rapid Vertical Jump Gains Of Up To 5 Inches In Just 15 Days!"
• "Forget old-school plyometrics... if you are one of the 99.2% of ballers born with "inferior genetics", then this will easily be the most important discovery of your life because this new formula, forcefully and unfairly can re-wire your central nervous system and supercharge your muscular power... for straight up-and-down vertical jump gains of 10 inches or more... all without the use of "jumping programs" or "platform shoes"..."
• "If you can touch the net, I guarantee you can dunk."


Topics: Alan Stein, Vertical Jump Training