Recently I was asked about what to do during halftime to get the guys prepared for the 2nd half of play. Currently I don’t do anything (stretching/warmup) as a team or for an individual unless they ask or there is evidence that something isn’t right. We do some half-ass layup lines with 8 guys, while 4 players wait to be personally stretched by our AT for the 2nd or 3rd time....
Prior to the game we shoot from the 90-60 minute mark and stretch at the 30 minute mark for 5-6 minutes at a good pace. The rest of the time is to get shots up etc.
My initial thought is to continue with our layup lines and possibly a more structured shooting drill. I’ve thought about a team stretch but at this point, neurologically, they’re either turned on or not. This would be our 3rd or 4TH STRETCH OF THE DAY if you include shoot-around!!!!
This is a good question and I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer. It really depends on your situation and what the head coach will ALLOW you to do. One things for sure, the outcome and performance by your team in the 1st half will probably determine what you may be able to do with the team during half-time (unlike the pre-game movement prep which is typically a structured routine). If you are up by 10-20pts, you may be able to take the team through a “structured” movement/stretching routine (because the half-time talk may not be as long and psychologically, the head coach and players are feeling good). However, If you are losing by 10-20pts, you may only get 2 minutes and the coaches and players may want to do some quick “on-court” shooting because their focus is strictly on the game and executing their on-court strategy.
Personally, I would rather have my players especially the starters go through some “position specific” on-court movement/shooting drills (regardless of the available time). I want their focus to be strictly on the game and competing (personally, I don’t want to be a distraction). If players have individual needs then myself and the athletic trainer will address those issues.
Ray Eady
University of Wisconsin