by Alan Stein
“I always visualized my success. The process of seeing success before it happened put me in a positive frame of mind and prepared me to play the game.”
- Michael Jordan
“Being in the zone means a higher state of concentration. When you let your mind wander, you make mistakes. When you start thinking about bad things that have happened, or good things that could happen, your focus isn’t where it should be – on this play, right here, right now.”
- Joe Montana
Here is some wisdom from my friend and colleague, Graham Betchart (performance coach who specializes in mental skills training). For more on Graham, check out
Mindset of a Champion:
- Believe in yourself – love your talent
- Challenge limiting beliefs – unlock your true potential
- Motivate yourself from within – set personal goals
- Think like a champion – consistent mind equals consistent performance
- Visualize success – see it, feel it, believe it, be it
- Mentally prepare for competition – create a consistent pre-game routine
- Approach each game the same – consistency leads to success
- Welcome pressure – embrace all challenges and obstacles as opportunities
- Play to play great – not to avoid mistakes
- Focus on the moment at hand – stay ‘present’ when you compete
- Trust your abilities – play without worry
- Compete – every moment and every play
- Control what you can – let everything else go
- Keep it simple – focus on the next play
- Attitude, effort, and focus are in your control – discipline yourself
- Learn from loss – wisdom often lies in defeat
- Write your own story – how do you want to be remembered
- Commit to the mental game – work on your mental skills every day
- Love hard work – learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable
Commit yourself to living these ‘sound bytes’ and you will take a huge step forward in maximizing your potential on the court.
Remember to Save the Date for the BSMPG 2012 Summer Seminar - May 19-20th in Boston MA.
Registration is open but seats are limited!