Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group, LLC Blog

Enter Destructi-ville

Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Tue, Jun 28, 2011 @ 07:06 AM

athletic training


We fight an endless battle with gravity, the comforts of modern living and the pollutants in the air.

We are always in need of corrective exercise and performance training simply to maintain the delicate balance between suffering and just getting by for another day. 

A friend asked me why so much “Corrective” work in my programming.

“If you are always doing corrective work, then how come it never gets corrected?” He asked.  “And what’s the opposite of corrective work anyways,…. Destructive work?”

Good question.

You must admit that there are forces that you will never ever win against. You may delay them, but you will never win. Like death and taxes, aging and gravity always win.  Other “destructive” forces include poor posture, sitting and typing at the comfort of our computer terminal, poor exercise choices and poor exercise technique just to name a few.

These are all destructive in nature and if left unmanaged or not corrected, cause havic on our system.

Now, I am of the opinion that a great strength program in and of itself can be constructive and corrective  without specific “corrective exercises” but a great strength program may not always be able to address the regular “trauma” incurred while playing division one athletics or the previous wear and tear accumulated prior to beginning said strength program.  Sometimes, the cumulative destructive insult from all causative factors is even too much for a well planned strength program, and a comprehensive “performance plan” is at times necessary, which includes a corrective or rehabilitative flavor to address some of these cob webs.

Regardless of professional affiliation – PT, ATC or Strength coach, at least part of our job is to provide our patients and athletes with services that prepare them for this battle against nature.  And although you’ll never ever win this particular fight, it’s one that is surely worth fighting.

Growing old is tough. No sissies allowed.


Topics: Art Horne, basketball performance, basketball training programs, BSMPG, athletic training, barefoot training