Craig Liebenson
How and why did you get into the field of Sports Medicine / chiropractic studies?
Mainly because I felt strongly an allopathic orientation to health & disease was too focused on the disease end of the spectrum and not enough on health & wellness.
Who in the field has influenced or helped you the most? Influenced your philosophy? What have you learned from them that you can you share?
Karel Lewit & Vladimiir Janda the great Czech neurologists have had by far the greatest influence on me. They have taught me that functional pathology of the motor system holds the key to reducing pain, preventing injury & enhancing performance. Their approach focuses in the broadest sense on all structures of the locomotor system (skin, fascia, muscle, tendon, ligament, and joint). What is most important are the faulty movement patterns that are "memorized" in the CNS and lead to tissue strain.
Name 3-5 books everyone helping basketball athletes should have in their library and why?
- Stuart McGill - because it gives a ‘no-nonsene' approach to spinal biomechanics 101. Sadly a horribly misunderstood subject
- Karel Lewit - Musculoskeletal Medicine - it gives the foundation for an integrated approach to manipulation & rehabilitation
- Joanne Elphinston - Stability, Sport and Performance Movement - great illustrations of stable & unstable movements
- Vern Gambetta - Any of his books - because he know how to coach better than anyone else
What is the last book you read and why?
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