What is Fascial Abrasion Technique and what are the potential benefits?
Fascial Abrasion Technique involves releasing movement-restricted fascial tension in underlying soft tissue. This technique specifically targets and loosens the fascia that surrounds and interconnects muscle tissue that when tight, can restrict range of motion and impair quality of movement. Performance tissue mobilization uses a specialized, patented tool called the Fascial Abrasion Technique Tool or FAT-Tool.
The Benefits of Soft Tissue Mobilization using the FAT-Tool
Tissue mobilization using the FAT-Tool is a quick and highly effective tool for Healthcare providers to improve quality of movement and normalize fascial mobility for their patience. Correct use of the FAT-Tool allows you to quickly solve and release troublesome areas of tissue tightness and restricted range of motion and in so doing, support improved patient outcomes.
The FAT-Tool...
The revolutionary design of the FAT tool features multiple treatment surfaces and edges in an all-in-one, tool. In addition, tissue tension release is enhanced with the unique, patented textured finish, which allows for superior grip of the fascia with less direct pressure applied to the surface of the skin.
Course Objective
Healthcare providers will learn techniques using the FAT-Tool to release areas of tissue tension and improve range of motion and quality of movement for their patients. Participants will learn about the role of fascia, the theory and principles of fascial mobilization, how to assess areas of fascial restriction and how to use the FAT tool to achieve release of fascial tension.
Learn more about the FAT-Tool and the Boston course by clicking HERE.
Join the Leaders in Sports Medicine and Performance at the 2014 BSMPG Summer Seminar - May 16 & 17, 2014.
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