Christopher McDougall Talks Barefoot and Why Humans Were Born to Run
Learn how you too can enjoy the benefits of being barefoot by reading BAREFOOT IN BOSTON, available now in both paperwork and kindle.
Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Sun, Apr 15, 2012 @ 07:04 AM
Learn how you too can enjoy the benefits of being barefoot by reading BAREFOOT IN BOSTON, available now in both paperwork and kindle.
Topics: athletic training conference, athletic training, Irene Davis, Christopher McDougall, athletic training books, barefoot strength training, achilles pain, barefoot running, barefoot training
Posted by Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group on Fri, Apr 13, 2012 @ 19:04 PM
The Barefoot Running Symposium is presented by the New England Barefoot Runners. This symposium is available to the general public at no charge on a first come, first serve basis.
This FREE event occurs during (and is part of) the 1st Annual Boston Barefoot Running Festival. This event showcases well known international speakers who have been studying running biomechanics for years. It includes pioneers of the barefoot running movement who have written books, who have previously shared their experiences through speaking engagements and barefoot running workshops.
Additional speakers are well established barefoot runners with stories of how this change in running has taken them to higher levels.
Boston Public Library
Rabb Lecture Hall
700 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02216
Saturday, April 14, 2012
1PM – 4PM
Click HERE to read more about this exciting event and the speakers that will be there including the leader in Barefoot research - Irene Davis!
Watch Irene Davis lecture in the video below as she describes the challenges with the traditional heel strike during running and how going with less on your feet might just be the answer to your injury woes.
Not sure if baring your sole is a good idea? Read BAREFOOT IN BOSTON, and learn how the shoes on your feet are doing more harm than good.
Topics: Art Horne, boston marathon, Irene Davis, barefoot strength training, Barefoot in Boston, achilles pain, ankle problems, barefoot training
“The residents who live here, according to the parable, began noticing increasing numbers of drowning people caught in the river’s swift current and so went to work inventing ever more elaborate technologies to resuscitate them. So preoccupied were these heroic villagers with rescue and treatment that they never thought to look UPSTREAM to see who was pushing the victims in.”
Learn what is hurting your feet and your performance, and how to finally train your feet the way they were meant to be.
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