We are in trouble when we expect more from technology and less from each other.
The best organizations in the world invest in the best people.
Everyone believes science and technology will solve our problems, when in fact only personal interaction can solve these types of challenges. We employ people to play, coach and support our team – not machines or numbers. Although analytics and technology has become a staple within many high performing organizations, they only serve to help professionals ask better questions, not answer them definitively.
Consider the game of billiards. This is a simple game of math and physics – angles, velocity, force etc., - an elementary numbers game. The billiard balls and table themselves are a very simplified system. The table is as flat as possible and the balls are made as round as possible and essentially operate in an essentially frictionless environment, while the bumpers are uniform and consistent in nature. Everything is set up for a skilled mathematician to succeed, but rarely does one ever run the table. That’s because on the other end of the cue is a human being. A human being having to navigate a shaking hand, a sleepless night, jetlag and a fight with their significant other. In this world, the bumpers are not uniform, but instead act as a side of a mountain would with a boulder travelling down. In the real world, billiard balls collide and bounce off one another haphazardly, and each subsequent move must be reevaluated, reassessed, and renegotiated. The human playing billiards; his skills and motives are outside of the scope of physics and the mathematical analysis of the balls’ behaviors is not one of simple math but of extreme abstraction.
- Art Horne
Meet the leaders in Performance Training and Medical oversight at the 2105 CATAPULT Performance Directors Meeting
May 17, 2015 - Fenway Park
Two Spots Remain - email bostonsmpg@gmail.com for an invite