On line resources define Evidence Based Medicine as the following:
ev•i•dence-based med•i•cine
treatment based on reliable evidence: the use of clinical methods and decision-making that have been thoroughly tested by properly controlled, peer-reviewed medical research.
Now that we got that out of the way we can move forward with your definition?
The same?
You sure?
No other phrase has infiltrated both sports medicine and strength and conditioning more in the past decade, and for good reason. It guides clinical practice and allows us to allocate resources, time, and personnel towards obtaining best practice. The problem is not with evidence based medicine but with individuals providing “their own definition” in defense of the work they are conducting.
So the next time your co-worker starts ultra-sounding an entire thigh simply ask them what their definition of evidence based medicine is. Hint: we are not allowed to each have our own definition.
Art Horne is the Coordinator of Care and Strength & Conditioning Coach for the Men’s Basketball Team at Northeastern University, Boston MA. He can be reached at a.horne@neu.edu.